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Paid Clinical Trials Patient Trials Cancer Trials

Bring industry-benchmark quality assurance to everything.

Enjoy complete QA peace of mind

We welcome audits at Linear. That’s because our in-house Quality Assurance (QA) team provides live in-trial quality control and regularly conducts systems and process audits – for us and our partners – so we know we’re always fulfilling our commitments to our regulators and sponsors.

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Quality assurance in everything

Just as our expertise extends beyond the clinical, enabling us to add value at every stage of your project, right through to commercialisation, our commitment to quality is universal. It means you’re assured of the highest standards, as well as the fastest ethics and approvals turnarounds.

Protocol review and development

Ethics committee approval

Volunteer recruitment and screening

Clinical, medical and laboratory compliance

Our in-house Quality Assurance department and live quality control (QC) capabilities ensure compliance with all protocol, GCP standards and regulatory requirements.


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Our universal QA ensures you meet all global standards

All of our clinical trials are conducted to Good Clinical Practice (ICH GCP) standards accepted by:





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