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Linear Triumphs at the 2023 WA Export Awards

Last weekend the 2023 Western Australian Export Awards saw Linear Clinical Research take home the win in the International Health category.

Celebrating 35 years of excellence in local businesses, the 2023 Western Australian Export Awards ceremony saw a record number of nominations, with 86 applications submitted from 36 companies this year.

The International Health Category acknowledges exceptional international success in various health and well-being domains, encompassing biotechnology, medical technology, digital health, medical and health fields, e-health, aged care services, complementary healthcare, and pharmaceuticals.

As a tech-forward company, Linear leads the Asia Pacific region in the realm of electronic source data platforms, ensuring quality assurance, streamlined monitoring, and expedited trial completion. With real-time access to information, they empower efficient and informed decision-making. Yet, Linear’s commitment goes beyond providing reliable clinical trial data; we actively engage, contribute innovative ideas, and enhance their clients’ medical missions, accelerating the realisation of therapy’s medical and commercial potential.

This achievement not only spotlights our success but also underscores the substantial economic impact on Western Australia. The export of goods and services contributed a staggering $270.4 billion to the Western Australian economy last fiscal year, with Western Australia accounting for 46 percent of merchandise exports in 2022/23.

We are honored to be acknowledged for our contributions to the international health sector, and to Western Australia’s vibrant business landscape.

Our appreciation goes out to our extraordinary team, partners, and sponsors, who have played an instrumental role in reaching this significant milestone. Your unwavering dedication and support continue to propel our success.

About Linear Clinical Research

Linear was founded in 2010 by The Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research through Western Australian State Government funding. Linear is a not-for-profit organisation, employing 250+ full-time staff of doctors, nurses, and clinical trial staff. Having been a regular winner of The National Export Awards, Linear has consistently featured in the media – including major TV stations. We are also a research partner of iconic institutions such as Telethon Kids Institute and Lion’s Eye Institute.